
Psychoeducation and skill-building informed by the state of the science.

Therapy 101: Toolbox for Survivin’ and Thrivin’

I am pleased to offer Therapy 101: Toolbox for Survivin’ and Thrivin’ class in the new year! Starting in the third week of January 2025, this 15-week course is for folks who are interested in psychoeducation and building new skills in a non-tailored, class format. Over the15-week semester participants will be presented with psychoeducation and skills training information and opportunity, informed by the state of the science. The goal of the class is to improve multiple areas of functioning, including mood, relationships, sleep, and productivity. As a group, the class will work on developing skills in emotion regulation, mindfulness, values-based living, neuroscience hacking, and more! Students may select skills to implement as suit their needs, and troubleshoot within the class format to find what works best for them as an individual. This group is for self-reflective self-starters who are looking for an alternative to personalized, one-on-one time in session with a therapist, or who are looking for a practical skill-building resource to compliment their current therapy work.